
The Campaign for Reyim is managed by an all-star volunteer team, including Co-Chairs Andy Offit and Leslie Crane.  Our fundraising committee meets monthly to create strategies, review progress, and discuss challenges and opportunities.  We always welcome new members.  To learn more about the campaign committee's responsibilities, click here.

Please contact our Campaign Co-Chairs Andy Offit or Leslie Crane for more information.

Campaign Committee, As of March 8, 2017:

Andy Offit
Leslie Crane
Bob Sullaway
Joel Sowalsky
David Stollar
Mara Bloom
Stu Rossman
Ellen Tanowitz
Eva Radding
Cid Josephy
Beth Byer
Millie Kessler
Max Schechner
David Carlen
Ian Marinoff
Susan Green
Phil Marsh
Ben Battat
Jenn Goldberg
Josh Siegel